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Gather your own foraged local greens and berries whilst out walking, before the workshop starts and enjoy a seasonal, social, creative event at the start of Yuletide. This workshop makes a great present for yourself and others and is a great way to get together with a group of friends.

When you book the online class, you will be sent a list of materials to collect, or you can opt into receiving a materials package in the post, with everything you will need in it, including your own personalised laser engraved wooden bauble to add to your wreath. Materials package only available if you book by 28 November to allow time for postage, this is available only to those in the UK. Click here for the link to purchase.

Jenny will start with a talk on wild wreath making, showing some images of wild wreaths on screen and then given step by step instructions on how to create your own unique wild wreath, whilst some relaxing background music will be played. No previous experience needed.

Numbers limited to 10 to allow for individual attention.

Time: 2-4pm

Cost: £20

To book, go to workshops or follow this link.

There is currently an in-person workshop which is planned to take place in The Mission Hall Studio in Edinburgh – subject to changing Covid restrictions – as well as the online class later the same day. For full details on both online and in-person classes, follow the link above.

Jenny Smith is a practicing artist, astrologer and holistic practitioner whose practice explores our sometimes forgotten relationship to the natural world.